Softwares Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate, Mailchimp
WWE is a family friendly company that specializes in providing die hard fans quality story-driven and athletic wrestling matches through 52 weeks. Many different Pay Per Views builds up to the event and allows fans to be fully engaged with the intensive storylines and interesting characters. Every year WWE holds the annual event known to many as WrestleMania. This event is WWE’s equivalent to the Super Bowl. It is truly the grandest stage of them all!
When designing the materials for this ad campaign, I knew I had to successfully promote WrestleMania while maintaining the brands’ position as the #1 wrestling company in the world. In doing so, ticket sales will rise and in the process, introduce new fans to the company. Announcement of upcoming matches at the events will build hype due to WWE’s unique storytelling through their promos and matches. All of these factors tie altogether to achieve the goal of beating the previous set attendance record.
Brief: In this Spotify radio spot we have famous WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan, come in with his energetic personality to hype of the event known as WrestleMania. The goal for this spot is to influence the target audience to pre order their tickets through Ticketmaster. The spot opens with Hogan calling all his Hulkamaniacs in Dallas to get ready to beat what they’ve already broken. As it currently stands Dallas holds the record for the most fans in attendance for WrestleMania, so the CTA will have to direct them to Ticketmaster so it can hopefully be broken again.
:00-02 Intro SFX: Hogan’s Entrance Theme Fades in
:02-30 Hulk Hogan: Listen here brother, WrestleMania is coming to Dallas once again on April 10th. Last time, there were over 100,000 Hulkamaniacs running wild at AT&T Stadium. Now, I know we can beat that record, and make history once again, dude. So, here’s what I need you to do brother, head over to Ticketmaster.com and grab your ticket for this Texas-sized showdown. Yeah!
- WM38 Hulk Hogan Spotify AD 00:00